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Teen Formation

Rite 13 for youth in grades 7-8

The Rite-13 class (7th-8th grade) curriculum assists young people as they take the first steps away from their families and into their own lives. The liturgical centerpiece of this group is the Rite-13 ceremony, which celebrates the passage from childhood to adulthood. During these two years, the community acknowledges the gift of gender, celebrates the creative power and potential of these young people, and creates a safe haven to explore new ideas, interests, and abilities. 

J2A (Journey to Adulthood) for youth in grades 9-10

J2A (9th to 10th Graders) is the core phase that centers around six basic skills for faithful living: active listening, negotiation, assertion, research/ information management, partnership and leadership. At the end of the first year, the class takes part in an Urban Adventure.

Confirm Not Conform for youth in grades 11-12

Confirm not Conform is a program that celebrates young people’s spirituality, creativity and responsibility. In the course of Confirm not Conform, participants will take on three different tasks. The task of deconstruction is how participants learn that it’s OK to challenge what they have always been told and to look critically at what they have always believed—or always been told to believe. The task of design is how participants examine their current beliefs and the beliefs of others, reflecting on why they believe what they do and determining if those beliefs should be kept or discarded. The task of construction is accomplished as participants determine which beliefs hold up to examination and are given opportunities to articulate their faith through word or action.

There are 1 callout(s)

God is Calling

It is God who calls us together into a community of faith. It is not a random happenstance: God calls us to our location on Asylum Hill as the spiritual base from which we live out our call to minister in Jesus' name.

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